Friends of Linwood Township History


Friends of Linwood History 
Whats new in 2023

This year has been a busy one for the Friends of Linwood Township History. In February we held "What did you wear to your wedding?", a Historical Bridal show with dresses and suits from 1896 until a few years ago. Over 50 dresses were displayed and the senior center was turned into a historical salon. All of the dresses were related to Linwood, either thru current residents or past. It was so exciting! In March was a quilt show, featuring civil war quilts owned by descendants living in Linwood. The room was full of partially folded Quilts! The History Group is busy creating the 2nd spiral bound Edition of our History Book. It contains maps, pictures, stories about the people who settled here, and so much more. It will be available by Linwood Family Fun Days. So come out for the festivities and stay for the history! Visit us at Broadbent Park for a History Exhibit, Tractor Show Mini Golf, games for kids with prizes including Face Painting, nerf ax throwing, gopher throwing, ring toss, corn hole, and Knot Tying. Free admission and all ages welcome! We will accept donations to keep us going, but not required. Hope to see all of you there!

THANK YOU! THANK YOU! You are all so wonderful! The 150th Memorial Quilt is done! A dedication ceremony was held Sunday Jan 16, at 2 pm at the Senior and Community Center. We were thrilled with the attendance. The quilt traveled to Linwood Elementary for 2 weeks so the children who all participated could have their picture taken as a group with the finished quilt.

linwood quilt
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The Quilt was dedicated to all of Linwood Township's Founders, the past residents, our current residents, our students, and to the memories of Ronald Ridge and Stasia Weinke whose families donated money to the Senior Center as a remembrance.

Come walk the land where our American dream was fulfilled ... and remember our blessings.This quilt is truly a picture history of Linwood Township for our children and will be on display in the Linwood Township Senior & Community Center for everyone to enjoy.

“Stories and History of Linwood Township“,  a book of stories by community members and edited by Kathy Grafft, is now available to purchase for $10. Proceeds to go to Friends of Linwood Township History. Email Becky Frego at to purchase your copy TODAY!

History Book